Enjoying my Me-Time
Enjoying My Me-Time
Recently, I read a post about how people residing in the New York City/East coast area tend to be more independent. I am relatively independent, just not 100%. This does not mean I rely on other people to do my stuff or take care of me; I believe certain things are more exciting and enjoyable when done together with loved ones. For example, I do not go to a movie theater or a nice restaurant by myself. Regardless of how good the movie reviews are or how many stars a restaurant received, the idea of doing these activities alone never excited me or crossed my mind. I would text around my group of friends to see if anyone was interested.
As much as I love spending time outside with other people, my body needs some time to recuperate by relaxing and detaching myself from work, from being in a busy area and meeting people, etc. I may be a social introvert. Whereas some people thrive and gain energy from stimulative, social environment, I need some of my "me-time" to recharge and going on a date with myself: shopping, studying, and watching old movie with my laptop (usually very slow placed and dragging movies that majority of the crowd would review them as boring). All for pretty self-explanatory reasons.
One of the things I enjoy when I go on date with myself is the flexible schedule. I might spend more time reading book, try on couple more clothes at the fitting room, or decide to be lazy and sleep more. I don't have to be conscious about anything, and my mind can be at state of peace.

Well, depending on the circumstances and the mood of the day, it can be more exciting to hang out as a group or sometimes it may be better to enjoy the solitude. I realized being comfortable with myself is important so that I do not rely on others for the things I wish to do. I am still not comfortable with eating at a restaurant by myself, but once I am less conscious of being judged but more comfortable with myself, I should be able to check out good restaurants by myself.
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