Two Types of People: Group 1


Two Types of People: Group 1

Image result for girlfriends advice to divorce

Although the heading of this post is "Two Types of People", it is impossible to categorize everyone into two groups. There are way too many characteristics that each person carries that there may be more differences than similarities even within the same group. I am not that old myself and still inexperienced in numerous aspects, but I have encountered different people throughout my lifetime, all with varying physical traits as well as their cultural, ethnic, and familial backgrounds. Despite all these differences, there seems to be some line as to who I consider more attached versus less so. The length of time I have known a person is not as important as the interactions I had. Also, the people I met through work does not necessarily mean we are affiliated only because we are tied under the same company and bound to interact with each other every day.

So there are two groups, and I decided to associate it with time:  1) Someone who makes the time flies, 2) Someone who makes the time stop.

Friends in Group 1 are usually very energy-powering and make me comfortable at my own skin when we are together. For example, my friend J... I have been friends for over fifteen years of my life. I don't have to text or call or email J every day to keep our friendship, but J is still one of my lifetime friends. Not only do we share so many memories together, but these memories are the ones we can laugh about at all times. We have gone through ups and downs of our lives together, so we know how to celebrate happy moments and console each other for sorrowful times. I thought it was a little funny, but not a coincidence, when we both got proposed on the same day and got married around the same time.
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I thought this image portrayed how I feel about my friend J at times.

Another friend W. We have been friends for a long time too, if not just as long as J. W is a very independent, career-driven friend. We do not share anything particularly in common--do not really share same preferences for pop cultures, did not major in the same/similar field of study, did not live close to each other until recently. Before W moved to New York, we did not see each other more than two times a year. W has become very successful in the performance and music industry. And, I am not familiar in this field at all. However, whenever W and I meet, we feel so comfortable with each other and can share our views in life, the current situations and problems we are facing, and how to deal with these problems. We are very open about our thoughts and concerns, and we both can give honest opinions and advice about each other. I do not think it always requires similar backgrounds or experience to relate to each other. I learn new stuffs through W, and vice versa. Also, we share such a long friendship together that we are both not embarrassed to share the most embarrassing moments.

I Thought I Was Your Best Friend Funny Best Friends Meme Image
This image goes to W

Just going back to the point that the interaction with work people is not out of obligation...
I have been working for the past ten years, while as a student or after I graduated. I met very different people through work. My friend E and S are from work, and we would often talk about sushi, shoes on sales, good shows, etc. S and I later became good gym buddies too. My work time would not have gone that fast if I were not working together with them. It has been six years or so since I have met them, and we still keep in touch with each other here and there. I occasionally go out for a dinner or drinks with some work friends at my current job, and it is very refreshing to switch gears and catch up on our personal lives, something other than work.

My husband L. It took us one year from the time we started talking to the day we got married. I have seen/heard couples who have dated for ten years before getting married, who have set up a two-year rule of dating before marriage, or who decided to get married after three months of knowing each other. I believe everyone each has their own pace, but the couple needs to believe  and decide on the optimal time of getting together. Compared to my friends couple who dated for ten years before getting married, the timeline for my husband L and I may seem like a 10x fast forwarded version. For my husband L, I go back to my past point that the time I have known someone does not matter as much as the interaction and the connections I have with that person. Husband L surely does have some super power of making the time fly by. (I will be discussing more about L in future posts)

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Just wanted to jot down some thoughts about positive influences I received, and that does not necessarily mean they are my clones who tend to think and agree with me at all times, but they are the ones who put energy in me and fuel me up through life.


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