Adulting and Worklife

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During break time at work, I came across a twit where it defined "adulthood"
It reads: "Being an adult is pretty easy, you just feel tired all the time and tell people about how tired you are and they tell you how tired they are"

My first response to my coworkers' morning greeting used to be...
"Omg I am so tired" or "The traffic today totally drained me out" or "I didn't get enough sleep". And we would all get our morning coffee from the Keurig machine to start off another day of work. The twit made me laugh but also made me realize that I should not that person radiating negative vibes.

A little side talk...
It has roughly been about 10 years since I started working. My very first job was a tutor, and it is quite interesting as to how I got my first job. I was called in for a jury duty, and amongst all the potential juries who were waiting at the waiting room, one lady approached me and initiated a conversation. She started talking about her children (5 and 7 years olds), her life, where she currently resides, etc. At the end of the conversation, she asked me if I can tutor her kids. I started my first paid job. After I come back from my tutoring, I would tell my mom how tired I was(I guess I was a true "adult" even back then). I had multiple other jobs afterwards.

I still do not fully understand what it is or what it entails to be an adult. Working full time? Paying for bills? Having your own car? Being married? My answers to those questions are all "yes", but I am still in the process of finding the answer.

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Sometimes I think to myself how good it'd be to wake up one day and wear a clothes called "adulthood" which will turn you into adult. However, in real life, I cannot always put on that clothes to transform into adult. There is no magic that will turn me into grown up. However, the fact that there is no easy way to grow up is what makes it interesting about life and what I enjoy about life. Life is constantly "work in progress". I wake up each morning and I am constantly trying, sometimes struggling, to better myself and to learn to become more responsible self.
I agree with the aforementioned quote that being an adult is "feeling tired all the time" but I also think it is up to each individual to turn that tiring day into a good day. I can either choose to focus on the negative aspect of the day, how my car got stuck in the traffic and had to rush to work, or I can choose to laugh about it and find humor in the situation.
Taking more responsibilities and "adulting" may not be the most enjoyable part of life, but life is so fragile and precious. I believe we need to appreciate and cherish every single moments in lives, and put the conscious effort to make every day a good day.


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